An Interview with Artist and Illustrator Micke Lindebergh
We had a quick chat with Swedish-born, Sydney-based artist Micke Lindebergh—the talent responsible for our new limited edition Tailored label artwork for Mardi Gras. Look out for his bold and bright florals on the box of our limited edition card game named ‘Tell it to me Straight’, too. The card game is available with the purchase of any bottle of Straight Dry Gin or 700ml Tailored Gin while stocks last.

Image Credit: @everylastsecond
For those who are new to your incredible artwork, can you please introduce yourself?
My name is Micke Lindebergh, I’m a Swedish artist living in Sydney. I like to draw and paint flowers and shapes in bright colours :) My influences are many: pop art, 80 Scandinavian design, 90’s 00’s fashion!
What is your creative process? Is it different for each project?
Yes, it can be very different. My personal work is more experimental, and I’m very curious about finding new ways of working and learning new things, like different types of printmaking. I work across a few mediums. Sometimes it's drawing on my iPad, and sometimes, it's painting a 7-metre-tall mural
What inspired the artwork for the Mardi Gras Tailored label and card game for Archie Rose?
The colours are inspired by the Progress pride flag. It is a celebration of colour and positivity. The game was a fun collaboration and I can’t wait to play it with my friends.
You've had the opportunity to create some incredible works in Sydney. Does your connection with the city come through in your art?
Thank you! Yes, some of the bright colours come directly from living in Sydney. Like the amazing warm blue colour of the Sydney summer sky. I haven’t seen it anywhere else. I'm obsessed, it’s beautiful.
I love Ken Done's paintings and drawings, no one paints Sydney better than him.
What does pride mean to you?
Inclusivity and freedom.