Shared, In Good Spirits

There is nothing we love more than seeing people across Australia and the world enjoying Archie Rose, the way they like us best. We are proud to uphold the highest integrity no matter where you may find us, and as such, we kindly ask if you share Archie Rose on your social media platforms that you follow the ABAC Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code so we can continue to celebrate Australian Whisky, Gin, Vodka and Rum in good spirits.

If you post about or mention Archie Rose Distilling Co.:

It must not encourage the excessive or rapid consumption of an alcohol beverage, misuse or abuse of an alcohol beverage or consumption inconsistent with the Australian Alcohol Guidelines

It must not encourage irresponsible or offensive behaviour that is related to the consumption or presence of an alcohol beverage

It must not challenge or dare people to consume an alcohol beverage

It must not encourage the choice of a particular alcohol beverage by emphasising its alcohol strength or intoxicating effect

It must not have strong or evident appeal to minors

It must not show minors unless they are shown incidentally in a natural situation where there is no implication they will consume or serve alcohol

It must not show visually prominent 18-24 year olds

It must not suggest that the consumption or presence of alcohol beverages can change a mood or environment;

It must not show the consumption or presence of alcohol beverages as leading to personal, business, social, sporting, sexual or other success;

It must not imply or suggest that an alcohol beverage shown as part of a celebration was a cause of the success or achievement;

It must not suggest that the consumption of alcohol beverages offers any therapeutic benefit or is a necessary aid to relaxation;

It must not show the consumption of alcohol beverages before or during any activity that for safety reasons requires a you to be alert or physically co-ordinated, such as the control of a motor vehicle, boat or machinery or swimming.

We thank you in advance for continuing to enjoy Archie Rose spirits responsibly and in good spirits.